How To Write A Dating Profile That’s Sure To Get Noticed

How To Write A Dating Profile That's Sure To Get Noticed

In the world of online dating, your dating profile serves as your digital first impression. Crafting a profile that stands out and captures the attention of potential matches is an essential skill in the quest for meaningful connections. In this guide, we’ll delve into the art of creating a dating profile that is not only eye-catching but also authentically represents who you are. Whether you’re new to online dating or looking to revamp your existing profile, we’ll provide you with the tips and insights you need to ensure your profile gets noticed for all the right reasons.

Make A List Of Your Best Qualities

Essentially, when you’re writing your profile on an online dating site, what you’re really doing is writing an ad. In a sense, you are a brand that you’re trying to sell, and this means that you have to train yourself to think like a copywriter. So you’ll want to begin by making a list of all the qualities you want to promote about yourself. This is your identity, your brand.


  • Fun-loving
  • Adventurous
  • Outgoing
  • Compassionate
  • Generous

Next, I’ll teach you how to write about those qualities in a way that’s sure to get noticed.

Display Those Qualities in Your Profile

Focus on using your words to show the reader who you are, rather than simply telling him or her about your best qualities. For example, let’s say that you want others to know that you’re fun to be with. What does that mean, exactly? When you think of yourself as being fun, what do you picture yourself doing? Are you laughing at a romantic comedy? Are you spontaneously seizing an opportunity to spend the day at the beach?

Visualize yourself demonstrating each quality you want to highlight, and use that imagery to write your profile.

Next, we’ll explore the tagline, which is the most important aspect of writing your online dating profile.

Create an Appealing Tagline

This is one of the first things people will read, so it has to be catchy. If your tagline doesn’t get noticed, your profile won’t get read, period. So once you have a good idea of what your personal brand is, capture it in a short phrase.

Tagline Tips:

  • Ask your closest friends how they would describe you
  • Read through other users’ taglines to get ideas
  • Avoid suggestive taglines or over-used quotes
  • Next, we’ll look at how to make your dating profile photograph stand out.

Personalize Your Photograph

Let your personality show in the photograph you use for your online dating profile. This might mean taking the picture from your favorite hiking trail or, if you’re an avid sports fan, at your favorite stadium. You don’t have to have a professional shot taken, either. Pictures taken from a good digital camera will do just fine. You can even touch them up a bit using inexpensive photo editing software, as long as the final result still looks like you.

Questions to Ask About Your Online Dating Profile Photo:

  • Do you feel good about yourself when you see this photograph?
  • Are you smiling? (And does your smile show in your eyes?)
  • Are you wearing an unusual amount of makeup (for you)?
  • Does your outfit flatter your figure?
  • Once uploaded to the site, does the photograph display clearly?
  • Does this photograph stand out among others?
  • Next, we’ll stand back and read your online dating profile from the perspective of the type of person you’re hoping to attract.

Read Your Online Dating Profile Again

Picture in your mind the kind of person you’re hoping to attract with your online dating profile. Now, re-read your profile as if you were this person. Is your profile likely to capture their attention? What can you delete, change, or add to your profile to make it more appealing to this specific audience?

Keep in mind, too, that you want to be careful not to attract individuals who want something other than what you’re looking for.

For example, if you’re only looking for friendship, state that clearly so that you don’t attract members who are only looking for a physical connection.

Additional Online Dating Profile Tips:

  • Ask a friend to read your profile and provide feedback
  • Experiment with different photographs and taglines
  • Notice what captures your attention as you read other members’ profiles
Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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