How To Mend A Broken Heart With… Food?

How To Mend a Broken Heart With... Food?

For many people, a nasty break up leads to either packing on the pounds (in the form of ice cream and moping in front of the TV) or weight loss (in the form of disinterest – in everything, including food). But food is a powerful thing, able to nourish not only your body but your spirit as well. Mend your broken heart with these foods and you’ll feel better about your breakup faster, and maybe even get to a place of gratefulness for the new eating habits and healthy outlook.


Chocolate mimics the feeling in the body that we get when falling in love via phenylethylamine, a drug created by our bodies that is similar in nature to amphetamines. As well, dark chocolate has been found to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of some cardiovascular issues because of its naturally occurring flavonoids. So why not indulge in a piece or two to lift your spirits and mend a broken heart.


Turkey is well-known for its ability to make a houseful of Thanksgiving guests fall asleep after a meal. But not only does turkey provide a relaxing effect, it also provides the necessary building blocks for feel-good neurotransmitters (like serotonin), through its high percentage of tryptophan. Tryptophan can also be found in peanuts, soy products, chicken, eggs and milk, so it wouldn’t hurt to try and mend a broken heart using one, or a combination of all of these foods.

Vitamin B

A slew of recent research has the B vitamins as major players in the mood-food connection. Although some people choose to get their B vitamins through a daily supplement (please talk to your doctor before starting any vitamins, over the counter or otherwise), you can try eating more leafy green vegetables, cereals, bananas, milk, chicken and orange juice, while avoiding the three things that destroy vitamin B in the body as much as possible: nicotine, alcohol and sugar.


Rooibos tea to be exact. Rooibos, Afrikaans for red bush, is a lush and mildly sweet non-caffeinated tea reputed to soothe frayed nerves and reduce insomnia. So why not pour yourself a pot and let it steep (a bit longer than other teas – up to ten minutes), while taking a peek at some more break up comforts.


Since the shelled walnut looks very brain-like, for years it was considered ‘brain food’. But recent studies have shown that walnuts do more than just resemble our grey matter; they also feed it. As excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and L-Arginine, walnuts offer up the kind of nourishment brain cells need to keep depression at bay and neurotransmitters firing. If walnuts aren’t your thing, you could also try flaxseed, fish, or even an Omega-3 supplement.

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Mark Mitchell

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