3 tips to make a great impression

3 tips to make a great impression

First impressions are huge when swimming in the dating pool. So how does one make a strong favorable first impression? Read on and find out – duh! =)

Smile Broadly

People are naturally drawn to people who smile. The wider your smile, the better.

A lot of people feel conservative when it comes to smiling. They feel like if they tried to smile more, it won’t be authentic.

In reality however, most people find that when other people are smiling, they experience it as warm – Even if the other person doesn’t feel quite genuine yet.

Try it in the mirror. Smile, even if it doesn’t feel natural. Then stop smiling. Who would you rather meet? Then try smiling a little. Then try smiling a lot. Who would you rather meet?

Smiling conveys to other people that you’ll be enjoyable to meet. The lack of a smile conveys to other people that meeting you might not be that fun after all.

Remember and Repeat Their Name

Remembering someone’s name is one of the most genuine compliments you can give them.

Others can give false flattering while forgetting something as simple as their name. On the other hand, by remembering their name, you’ve essentially communicated “I like you, and I’m making an effort to establish a relationship”.

Nothing is sweeter to a person’s ear than their own name. Make sure to say their name a few times in conversation the first time you meet them.

This makes such a strong impression the first time you meet someone, because so few people do it. Most people ask their name then forget it within ten seconds.

The mere act of remembering someone’s name, which takes very little effort if you really tried, can completely change your life.

Focus the Conversation Around Them

It’s very tempting to focus a conversation around yourself, especially when you first meet someone. After all, you don’t know anything about them, so how would you know what to talk about?

But if you really want to make a good first impression, the best way to do it is to talk about them.

Most people love talking about themselves. They won’t admit it of course, but everyone’s favorite topic is “me”.

Give them a chance to talk and they’ll remember you. But you can do more than that: You can be genuinely interested and ask genuinely interesting questions.

If other people get the sense that you’re really interested in them, their lives, their work and their projects, they’ll naturally feel drawn to you. It makes making friends, business contacts and even romantic partners much easier.

If you follow these three tips, the power of your first impressions will go up exponentially. Alone these three techniques are powerful, together you’ll make an unforgettable first impression.

Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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