All About Female Masturbation Tips, Books, and Information on Female Masturbation

All About Female Masturbation Tips, Books, and Information on Female Masturbation

If you read women’s magazines or spend any significant time online, it can seem like female masturbation is an everyday topic, one that we’re all talking about and most of us who identify as women are doing.

There’s no question that we talk about female masturbation a lot more than we used to. But that’s in public. In private, it remains a topic that brings up feelings of embarrassment and shame, something many of us avoid talking about with partners and friends and avoid doing.

It’s confusing when something is talked about publicly so much, but privately most of us have never been encouraged to explore on our own terms, for the simple reason that we are worthy of feeling pleasure.

The truth is that everyone has the right to pleasure themselves on their own terms, and everyone can learn to masturbate even though how we do it might differ from person to person. Below you’ll find some basic and more involved tips on female masturbation, plus resources for those who want to go deeper.

How To For Female Masturbation

Whether you’ve never done it or are tired of doing it the same way every time, here are some helpful tips on the basics of female masturbation:

  • Know Your Body: To explore self-pleasure, start by understanding your own anatomy. Learn about the different parts of your genitals and how they respond to touch.
  • Privacy and Relaxation: Find a quiet, comfortable, and private space where you can relax without interruptions. Feeling safe and relaxed is essential for a satisfying experience.
  • Variety in Stimulation: Experiment with different types of touch and stimulation. Try using your fingers, a vibrator, or other toys to discover what feels best for you.
  • Fantasy and Imagination: Engage your fantasies and imagination. Fantasizing can enhance your arousal and make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Communication with Partner: If you have a partner, consider discussing your desires and preferences with them. Open communication can lead to a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

More Female Masturbation Tips

No sexual activity, including female masturbation, should be considered a competitive one. These tips are only “advanced” in so far as they are written for folks already comfortable and confident with their own masturbation. Once you’ve got the basics down, there are all sorts of places female masturbation can take you.

Female Masturbation Sex Positions

One way to switch up your solo sex routine is by switching up your position. It might sound silly for masturbation, but putting your body in different positions can change the way you stimulate yourself, and how that stimulation feels.

Benefits of Female Masturbation

For all sorts of reasons many of us don’t feel comfortable masturbating and may even think there’s something wrong with it. Female masturbation is not required for a healthy sex life, but it’s important to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, and it does come with many benefits (other than a good time!) like:

  • Stress Relief: Masturbation can help reduce stress and anxiety. Orgasms release endorphins, which are natural stress relievers, promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  • Better Sleep: Masturbating before bedtime can aid in falling asleep faster and achieving a deeper, more restful sleep. The relaxation it induces can improve sleep quality.
  • Pain Relief: For some women, masturbation can alleviate menstrual cramps and other types of pain. The release of endorphins and the relaxation of muscles during orgasm can provide temporary pain relief.
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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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