Never Make It Easy For A Girl

Never Make It Easy For A Girl

Words have not been developed yet to aptly describe how badly men fuck this rule up. They will prostrate to the point of submissiveness, beg for sex, cry for attention, advertise their desperation, and hopelessly convey all the things that women loathe about beta males in the hopes of having her reciprocate the affection since everything is provided for her from the opposite end.

We only chase after what runs away from us… which means women will only chase after men who bask in caddishness; not men who stand outside their windows singing hymns of heartache. Your girlfriend will praise you if she needs to move mountains to work her way into your heart. She will fuck the bartender you tipped last night if she needs to do nothing but exist for you to love her.

Now be aware that “challenge” is heavily neglected in main-stream relationship advice because of how well The Matrix has warped popular conceptions about female sexuality. Make no mistake, women FUCKING LOVE a challenge. They hate when just spreading their legs is enough to get a man’s unyielding loyalty. But feminized relationship advice isn’t geared towards building attraction; it’s geared towards maximizing the utility of a guy. In other words, things like “maintaining challenge” and Alpha allure are vilified to turn men into Anemic betas that women can use as paper weights. Imagine how hard life would be for fat women and single mothers if all the guys in the world knew that maintaining a challenge was a crucial part of attraction.

Portraying a challenge should be a continuous process built into your Alpha etiquette. But I’ll list a shitload of random ways you can do it:

  1. Never be the first one to say “I love you. EVER. The rationale behind this is usually “If I say it first, she’ll know that I really mean it and she will love me more for it”. No, she will love you more if she has to earn your love and trust.
  2. Never make sex too easy. Yes, guys pump libido way more than girls, but it still shouldn’t be easy for a girl to get the pipe whenever she wants. You should have enough game to fuck multiple other women if one girl isn’t putting out. If you’re in a relationship, your girlfriend should feel the pressures of a competitive sexual market, she shouldn’t be thinking “He can’t get any other pussy, I have him on a leash”. Saying no to sex occasionally = Ultra 5-headed Cyber Alpha. Sex is a girl’s ace in the hole – she will always try to use it to vagina whip you or remind you of what you’ll miss out if you “misbehave”. Stripping her of this power is like thunder clapping her vagina.
  3. Don’t develop Oneitis. Everything becomes easy for a girl if you’re dependent on her.
  4. Never be too available – 2/3 maxim. She should never have leverage over you because she’s busier than you are. Find something to do even if it’s ballet.
  5. Maintain a perfect mix of aloofness, love, and charisma. Aloofness is not the same as abnegation. It is based on spontaneous disinterest, not continuous indifference. She will notice it when you occasionally don’t call her back, ignore a text, pick up a new hobby that keeps you busier, or refuse becoming a slave to her vagina demons.
  6. Apologize sparingly. If your girlfriend has you begging for forgiveness every time you burp in public, consider castrating yourself and donating your balls to someone who might actually use them. Apologize when you think you have to, not because you’re really horny and it’s the only way you’ll get pussy tonight.
  7. Don’t fall into routines. Keep things unpredictable.
  8. Never love her unconditionally. Unconditional love doesn’t exist, there are better ways to show that you love her.
Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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