5 Adult Dating Site Tips from Star Wars

5 Adult Dating Site Tips from Star Wars

I’m a closet geek. Okay… a not so close geek! And Star Wars happens to be one of my favorite franchises. Over the past month, I’ve been posting advice about how to join and use an adult dating site, but today I thought a fun wrap-up would be to give you some adult dating site tips directly from the mouths of some of my favorite characters. Without further ado…here’s 5 adult dating site tips with a Star Wars spin.

Tip #1: Do or do not. There is no try

Since meeting Mark, I don’t date anymore, adult or otherwise. But when I was into online dating, the absolutely WORST offense next to lying was being wishy-washy. If you say you want to meet someone, meet them. If you say you want to call someone, call them. Don’t sign up for an adult dating site if you aren’t interested in adult dating. You’re just wasting everyone’s time.

Tip #2: Size matters not

Feeling insecure about the size of your schlong? Worried about your waistline? Do other body insecurities make you cringe? Guess what? Online, no one cares!

Well, some people care. And hey, that’s okay. But for every one person who is not attracted to you, there will be others who are. So kiss your insecurities goodbye. Adult dating is all about having fun, no matter what your shape and size.

Tip #3: May the force be with you

In Star Wars, the force is a power, an energy created by all living things. Jedi harness the selfless, peaceful power of the force, while Sith embrace the dark side, feeding off the energies of hate.

I’m a big believer in “feeling energy” if that makes sense. Do you have that mojo, that spark, that insane giddiness when you talk to someone? Or are you trying to force it to feel right? Trust your gut. If there isn’t any energy between you during an online chat, what makes you think you’ll be good together in bed?

Tip #4: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for

In a very famous scene in Star Wars, one of the characters uses his special abilities to convince the bad guys that his droids were not the ones they actually wanted to find. It helped them escape a lot of trouble!

When you join an adult dating app, you know the people to stay away from. That guy won’t wear a condom because he’s “too big”? NEXT. That girl’s picture looks incredibly photoshopped? NEXT. That couple looking for a bi playmate won’t meet you somewhere in public before taking you home? NEXT. Don’t be lured in by promises of hot sex. THESE AREN’T THE DROIDS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR.

Tip #5: …Scoundrel. I like that

Some people may think you’re a bad person for enjoying sex. Screw ‘em. Sex is not evil. Sex is fun! And beyond that, sex is personal. Only you can decide if casual sex is right for you. “Slut” is not a bad word. It’s perfectly okay to look for sexual partners, whether or not you want a long-term relationship. Don’t let anyone else tell you what is and is not okay to do with your body. If other people think you’re a scoundrel, embrace it!

Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to BestBlowjobMachines.com! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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